Description: Black Dragons is a classic mystery thriller film that follows the story of a group of mysterious and sinister individuals known as the Black Dragons who are working to sabotage the war efforts of the United States during World War II. As a federal agent named Dick Martin begins investigating the group, he finds himself entangled in a web of danger and deception.
Cast: - Bela Lugosi as Monsieur Colomb - Joan Barclay as Alice Saunders - George Pembroke as Dr. Melcher - Clayton Moore as Sammy Haynes - Robert Frazer as Dr. Roland Marsden
Interesting Facts: - Black Dragons was released in 1942 during the height of World War II, adding a sense of urgency and relevance to its storyline. - Bela Lugosi, famous for his portrayal of Count Dracula, brings his signature eerie presence to the role of Monsieur Colomb in Black Dragons. - The film features a unique blend of elements from both mystery and espionage genres, making it a captivating watch for fans of classic cinema.
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