Movie summary: Nightmare Castle is a classic Italian horror film released in 1965. Directed by Mario Caiano, the movie follows the story of a sadistic noblewoman who is executed for her crimes, only to return from the dead seeking revenge on those who wronged her.
The cast includes some notable names in Italian cinema, such as Barbara Steele, Paul Muller, and Helga Line. Barbara Steele, known for her work in horror films, plays the dual roles of the cruel Countess and her innocent stepdaughter.
Interesting fact : Nightmare Castle was released under several different titles in different countries, including The Faceless Monster and Night of the Doomed. The film is considered a cult classic among horror enthusiasts for its atmospheric cinematography and chilling performances.
Watch Nightmare Castle on the Internet Archive to experience this eerie and suspenseful tale of revenge and deception unfold on screen.
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