Movie summary: Spider Baby (1967) is a classic horror-comedy film directed by Jack Hill. The movie follows the bizarre and macabre tale of the Merrye family, who suffer from a rare genetic disorder that causes them to mentally regress as they age. The three siblings - Virginia, Elizabeth, and Ralph - are cared for by their loyal chauffeur, Bruno, but when distant relatives arrive to claim the family estate, chaos ensues.
The cast of Spider Baby includes:
- Lon Chaney, Jr. as Bruno, the devoted caretaker of the Merrye siblings - Sid Haig as Ralph, the child-like brother with a penchant for violence - Jill Banner as Virginia, the seductive and deranged sister - Beverly Washburn as Elizabeth, the innocent and childlike sibling - Carol Ohmart as Emily Howe, the conniving distant relative hoping to claim the family fortune
Interesting facts about Spider Baby:
- The film was initially titled The Liver Eaters but was later changed to Spider Baby to capitalize on the success of the song Spider Baby (Main Title) performed by Lon Chaney, Jr. himself. - Spider Baby gained a cult following over the years and is praised for its dark humor and unique take on the horror genre. - Lon Chaney, Jr. reportedly considered Spider Baby to be one of his favorite roles, despite his declining health during filming.
Spider Baby is a must-see for fans of offbeat horror movies and showcases Lon Chaney, Jr. in one of his most memorable performances.
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