Description: The Demon is a classic horror film directed by Percival Rubens. The story follows a group of friends who unknowingly unleash a vengeful demon during a seance. As the demon wreaks havoc on the group, they must find a way to stop it before it consumes them all.
Cast: Unfortunately, information on the cast of The Demon is not readily available.
Interesting Facts: - The Demon was released in 1979 and quickly gained a cult following for its eerie atmosphere and chilling practical effects. - Director Percival Rubens was known for his work in the horror genre, and The Demon is considered one of his signature films. - The films haunting score was composed by renowned musician Basil Kirchin, adding an extra layer of suspense to the already tense story.
Overall, The Demon is a must-see for fans of classic horror films, with its timeless story and spine-tingling scares sure to leave a lasting impression.
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