Movie summary: Title: The Little Shop of Horrors (1960)
Description: The Little Shop of Horrors is a classic horror-comedy film directed by Roger Corman. The story follows a meek and downtrodden florists assistant named Seymour who discovers a mysterious plant that he names Audrey II. However, Seymour soon realizes that Audrey II has a craving for human blood and grows into a monstrous, man-eating plant.
Cast: The cast of The Little Shop of Horrors includes: - Jonathan Haze as Seymour Krelboyne - Jackie Joseph as Audrey Fulquard - Mel Welles as Gravis Mushnik - Dick Miller as Burson Fouch - Jack Nicholson as Wilbur Force
Interesting Facts: - The Little Shop of Horrors was filmed in just two days on a budget of $30,000. Despite its low production value, the film has become a cult classic and is known for its quirky humor and memorable characters. - Jack Nicholsons role as Wilbur Force, a masochistic dental patient, is one of his earliest film appearances and helped launch his career in Hollywood. - The film features a catchy theme song titled The Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, which was later used in the Broadway musical adaptation of Little Shop of Horrors.
The Little Shop of Horrors is a delightful blend of horror and comedy that has stood the test of time and remains a beloved classic among fans of the genre. With its eccentric characters and dark humor, this film is sure to entertain audiences for years to come.
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