Movie summary: War of the Robots is a classic science fiction film from 1978 that follows the story of a group of astronauts who are sent on a mission to a distant planet. Upon arrival, they discover that the planet is inhabited by hostile robots who are intent on destroying them. The astronauts must use all of their skills and resources to survive and find a way back to Earth.
Cast: - Al Bradley - John Bartha - Franco Gasparri
Interesting Facts: - War of the Robots was released in Italy under the title La guerra dei robot and was later dubbed into English for international audiences. - The film features elaborate special effects and futuristic sets that were considered cutting-edge for the time. - Despite its low budget, War of the Robots has gained a cult following over the years for its campy charm and nostalgic appeal. - The movie is now available for free streaming on the Internet Archive, allowing viewers to enjoy this vintage sci-fi adventure from the comfort of their own homes.
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